Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Happy Momma

Mom has been doing really good this last week. Her attitude is much better and she seems to be having more spunk and energy. She told me not to tell anyone but this morning she was craving homemade chicken soup so she made it for dinner with homemade noodles! Then she went to town by herself to get material for her quilt that she has been making and then to the grocery store. Yesterday she made cinnamon rolls too! She took her last Etoposide last night and is scheduled for chemo round 6 next Thursday. She is still talking about her birthday party and happy that so many people came and sent cards. I really think it has helped her attitude. She was pretty down there for awhile but watch out..... She is back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is great! I too am feeling great! Don's sister Jan and hubby Chris from Casper came here this week, so yesterday we took them to see the sites. Went out to the temple and walked around the temple grounds, the mall, had my recheck all is good, and back to the mall was a busy day for me, but I felt great! and was not winded! Surgery was a success! Welcome back Chris!~